GPR-SLICE v7.MT is a comprehensive ground penetrating radar imaging software designed for creation of 2D/3D subsurface images for use in a variety of geotechnical, engineering and archaeological applications.
GPR-SLICE is compatible with all the major manufacturers of GPR including:
Mala Guideline Geo
Mala Guideline Geo
Impulse Radar
Sensors and Software
Geophysical Survey Systems Inc
US Radar
Ditch Witch
ERA Technology
3D Radar of Norway
UTSI Electronics
Ditch Witch
ERA Technology
3D Radar of Norway
UTSI Electronics
Zond Radar
Koden Radar
Transient Technologies
SEGY and SEG 2
Plus customized formats for research radar systems
Koden Radar
Transient Technologies
SEGY and SEG 2
Plus customized formats for research radar systems
GPR-SLICE multi-channel extended licenses include integration of:
Mala Guideline Geo
3D Radar Geoscope
Koden Radar
Radar Portal
Terravision USA
*** with complete integration of GPS and total station
GPR-SLICE applies a unique process of radargram desampling/binning and then recreates GPR data volumes using estimation algorithmsfor single channel - coarsely spaced profile lines. For multi-channel dataset direct compilation to pulse 3D volumes can be quickly generated without interpolation because of the hi-density acquisition. GPR-SLICE handles all surveyed data densities to make the most comprehensive subsurface imagery. Many researchers have migrated to the software because of the professional quality images that can be created in the program.
3D Radar Geoscope
Koden Radar
Radar Portal
Terravision USA
*** with complete integration of GPS and total station
GPR-SLICE applies a unique process of radargram desampling/binning and then recreates GPR data volumes using estimation algorithmsfor single channel - coarsely spaced profile lines. For multi-channel dataset direct compilation to pulse 3D volumes can be quickly generated without interpolation because of the hi-density acquisition. GPR-SLICE handles all surveyed data densities to make the most comprehensive subsurface imagery. Many researchers have migrated to the software because of the professional quality images that can be created in the program.
GPR-SLICE software is designed to remove line noises and artifacts that show profile directions and pixelation noises from incomplete sampling of the ground.
GPR-SLICE images help interpreters extract hidden information contained in noisy radargrams which would otherwise be lost and never revealed within the raw data.
GPR-SLICE Software features:
2D/3D time slices
3D volume displays, Isosurface Rendering, Fence Plots
3D volume displays, Isosurface Rendering, Fence Plots
Exportable Animation menu
Split-screen options for time slice/radargram anomaly picking
Complete customizable multi- time slice and multi-radargram displays in a single graphic dialog
Easy grid concatenation and appending
Output in KMZ - Google Earth, BPW, TFW, JPW, PFW - Arc GIS export, CAD, XYZG las/laz, OpenGL Georeference bitmpa overlay
Complete GPS Navigation Integration Including:
GPS 2D/3D Time Slices
GPS 2D/3D Radargram Displays
Specialized menu for editting/filtering GPS fallout
Batch GPS topography corrections
Builtin UTM utility conversion
Exportability to GIS (world file creation)
Direct export to Google Earth (*.kmz image file creation
Builtin GPS staggering/scan lag latency correction
Complete GPS integration
GPS 2D/3D Time Slices
GPS 2D/3D Radargram Displays
Specialized menu for editting/filtering GPS fallout
Batch GPS topography corrections
Builtin UTM utility conversion
Exportability to GIS (world file creation)
Direct export to Google Earth (*.kmz image file creation
Builtin GPS staggering/scan lag latency correction
Complete GPS integration
Open GL Graphics
2D surface displays and automatic animation creation
Open GL 3D real time flythroughs, x, y, z, xy fence diagrams, isosurface rendering
Open GL 3D radargram displays, with pulse thresholding and automatic animation creation
Open GL Object drawing for interpretation (pipes, rectangular volumes, spheres etc ) with DXF file creation
Cylinder volume warping for imaging tunnels
Open GL 3D real time flythroughs, x, y, z, xy fence diagrams, isosurface rendering
Open GL 3D radargram displays, with pulse thresholding and automatic animation creation
Open GL Object drawing for interpretation (pipes, rectangular volumes, spheres etc ) with DXF file creation
Cylinder volume warping for imaging tunnels
BlueBox (c) Batch processing
one button click macros from raw data to radar signal processing to image processing and final 3D volumes!
one button click macros for xy decoupled concrete imaging for enhancing rebar to final 3D volume
ability to save BlueBox setups and load/save for new project applications
Horizon Detection and Mapping
Automatic horizon detection
Layer depth maps using variable layer velocities
Horizon amplitude profiles and maps
Horizon slicing in Open GL 3D Volume
Layer depth maps using variable layer velocities
Horizon amplitude profiles and maps
Horizon slicing in Open GL 3D Volume
Signal Processing:
FK Radargram filtering
0ns scan-by-scan or 0ns line-by-line offset auto detection/editing of radargrams menu
Migration with variable velocity profiles
3D/2.5D migration
Bandpass filtering and spectra menu
Spectral whitening
Deconvolution, spectral and spiking
Hilbert Transform
Boxcar smoothing
Background removal
0ns scan-by-scan or 0ns line-by-line offset auto detection/editing of radargrams menu
Migration with variable velocity profiles
3D/2.5D migration
Bandpass filtering and spectra menu
Spectral whitening
Deconvolution, spectral and spiking
Hilbert Transform
Boxcar smoothing
Background removal
Batch processing for up to 8 filters
Even import 2D Geophysical data for processing and visualization
Magnetometer, Resistivity, EM data and any 2D/3D data.
Image synthesizing of GPR, Mag, Resistivity and EM
Image synthesizing of GPR, Mag, Resistivity and EM
This product is for an annual license of GPR Slice software. The price paid during checkout is recurring every 12 months and you will be billed via invoice to the email provided during the initial purchase unless otherwise explicitly stated to Bigman Geophysical LLC and its affiliates. This product comes with a dongle key that is usually shipped to the customer within 48 business hours of purchase. The customer will receive a license file and welcome package with directions of how to download and install the software, plus resources for support.